Wednesday, May 21, 2008

AI Review

last week of the show and last night of performance - I guess we will have to wait through 60-90 minutes of Ryan S wasting time tonight to see who won - who do you think it was?

I really have no opinion on who will win - I know I like one of these guys better than the other. I am not saying one is a better singer or performer than the other but I am saying I like one better than the other. Trying to compare them is hard because they are two totally different performers - one sings the pop ballad really well and one is a pop/rocker.

Saying who is better is tough - it is like saying who is better The Who or The Clash - I know I have my favorite but they are two totally different bands and fit somewhere. Come on - Tiffany sold millions of records, as did Kenny G and Michael Bolton - there is room in music for everyone.

I will say that I have ZERO desire to see David A sing - here is how the show would go - Opening number - Pop Ballad, middle numbers - pop ballads, close of the show - Imagine, encore - Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me. We can only hope he does not try that song form two weeks ago - you know the one where he tried to dance?? We will see him on stage squinting his eyes, bending over at the middle with his arm across his stomach, bobbing - like he had a bad case of intestinal flu.

I would probably see David C, but I said that about Chris Daugherty and I really do not care to see him at all - not sure I like his band.

Enough of my ranting - here is the review -

This show was over the top - Michael Buffer doing "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" (rumor has it he demands $1mm every time he says it)- Jim Lampley trying to tie this to a boxing match - I would pay to see these wussies fight.

David C losing the coin toss and goes first - he sings:
1. Still Haven't Found What I am Looking For - this was good - I liked it - the song was a good pick for him and he did well - a U2 song must be kind of hard.
2. Dream Big - brought out the guitar and tried to rock a fan song - it was ok
3. The World I know - hey, give him credit - he did something new and did not repeat a song - I like that kind of effort and it should count for something - he could have ripped out Billie Jean again. I thought this song was good and he looked super emotional after it was over - maybe just relief to be done.

David A sings:
1. Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me - I really liked this song - I am a huge Elton fan and thought this version was pretty damn good.
2. In This Moment - looky here, David picked a fan ballad to sing - I thought this one was pretty damn just ok.
3. Imagine - repeat, did I say repeat - safe choice - safe way out - it is funny how the judges used to rag on people for taking the safe way but not tonight. It was good - and it was good the first times he did it.

I give round 1 to DA, round 2 a draw and round 3 to DC (mostly because he did something new)- who won - too close to call???

One last thing - the judges - can Randy saw anything new - "you can sing the phone book" - come on, I have heard that for at least 4 weeks - and what was Randy thinking when he said that it was a hot 2007? Paula was her usual jibberishy self, at least her "girls" were not trying to get out and Simon was Simon - direct and to the point.

Hope you enjoyed the season and had fun reading the reviews, I had a lot of fun writing them. Cheers.

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