Sunday, May 11, 2008

Crazy, Stupid or Both? You call it

ok - so the Keys 50 miler is this weekend and I am getting freakin nervous - more nervous than I was for any marathon and maybe more nervous than my Ironman. The distance is not what is nerve racking, BUT the weather is. It was 95 degrees here yesterday at 4:00p. in Key West today is was only 85 degrees at 4:00p but with the humidity it felt like 95 - ouch!

the race starts at 10:00a and if all goes well I will be done by 5:00p (have to watch the Preakness on TV (live)) - yesterdays weather went like this - 10:00a 87, 4:00p 92 - hey at least it is not getting a ton hotter all day.

oh well, you take the hand that is dealt and all hands are winners and all hands are losers - it just depends on how you play the hand. I will at least ask for an Ace in my hand - maybe 85 and overcast next weekend will help play the hand the right way. as long as my shoes do not melt - my shoes melt I quit :-)

happy training - check back for updates!

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