Monday, June 9, 2008

Something stupid I saw this weekend

Let me tell you a story of something I saw on Hartwood Marsh Rd this weekend - this not only gives cyclists a bad name but it was extremely stupid and lucky he did not get hurt.

I was driving home from Epic Cycle this weekend and was on Hartwood Marsh - about half way down Hartwood I came upon a line of cars going pretty slow - my first thought on Sunday is always - there is a group of cyclists and the cars are waiting to get a clear path to pass. The road is a hard one to pass on because it is has a lot of curves and hills so you can not see what is ahead of you too well.

Any way - a bunch of cars went around the impediment and I was the thrid car in line now. Here is what I see - a lone cyclist struggling to get up a hill (no problem there, I was the one in the car not working out), BUT he was riding right in the middle of the lane and kind of swerving back and forth. Really being unsafe to himself and others.

A couple cars go by him and it leaves me, a car in front of me and the cyclist - we are appraoching the crest fo the hill and I figure I can wait this guy out and make sure it is clear to pass before I go around him - I did not want him to swerve in to me or the car in front of me.

Right before the top of the hill the guy dismounts his bike in the road (not the shoulder) - guess he could not make it to the top - and stands there in the middle of road. The car in front of me honks to go around and the guys gets pissed and moves further in to the middle of the road.

I am now the lone car behind the cyclist - who is stopped in the middle of the road and trying to get back on his bike. After I go around him I can see him in my review - still standing there - middle of the road - right at the crest of the hill.

Now, I am a cyclist (or at least try to be) but this guy is a duffus and will cause ill will toward the rest of us out riding because he is a duffuss. No, I do not have sympathy on him because it was 90 degrees and he was struggling - gget the helll out of the way and be safe. If you need to walk your bike do so on the shoulder - not in the road. You would expect a broken down or extremely slow car to pull to the side to get out of the way - bikers should do the same.

Any way - I hope he made it home ok and he gets in a little better shape so he can ride the rollers in future rides - until then - get off the road when in trouble - then there is not more trouble.

Just random thoughts from me - Happy Training

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