Monday, June 23, 2008

UCF Race = Disorganized

I rode my bike out to UCF yesterday to watch some clients compete in the race out there. The ride is a nice one from our house downtown - I hopped on the Cady Way trail - switched over to whatever the trail is called by Goldenrod and followed that to 426 - took 426 to Chapman Rd and then south on 434 to UCF - it is about 18 miles and besides the trail 426 and 434 have bike lanes.

One thing that really annoys me as a spectator is the lack or organization with races, maybe I do not realize it when the race is going on because I am in race mode. Yesterday was no different - I rode in about 7:15a - just in time for a 7;30a start. When I got there I noticed a line of people about 25-30 long waiting to get registered - hummmm - they are going to have a hard time making a 7:30a start.

About 7:35a they announced the start was going to be delayed, by 7:50a there was still a line of people waiting to get checked in. Finally they announced the race would start at 8:00a - 30 minutes late - hope no one was planning their nutrition on a 7:30a start.

When the swim started I decided to move to the bike mount line and watch the action from there. I think I found the right area but there were no markings or volunteers present just a cop waiting to lead the cyclists. I did notice a race official trying to move some cones and signs around in order to set up the bike exit area.

When the first cyclists came out - no one knew where to go and no one was there to help them. Thankfully the cop was ready to lead them around UCF and there was another cop controlling traffic. Finally some spectators started to help guide athletes in the right directions. At some point they started to set up the run course and put a sign with an arrow (and a picture of a biker on it) in the intersections so the bikers started to follow that sign - which was the wrong direction - they only lost 30-40 seconds before they were stopped.

The bike exit, bike entry, run exit and run finish were all in the same entrance to the same parking lot so it was quite confusing for everyone - there were lots of shouts of disgust. Bike dismount was finally assembled right when the first cyclists came in and they were pointed over a curb and through some barriers. After they went through transition they came out the wrong way because there were no markings (this was later remedied after the lead group of runners were gone).

I think the funniest was when the lead runners (2 of them) went out to run and the bike that was supposed to lead them was not there - the bike finally left when the 3rd and 4th place runners went out - thinking that they were the lead runners - the bike stayed with them all the way to the finish - little did they know that 2 people finished minutes before them.

In defense of the race organizer I heard a rumor that 20 UCF students had signed up to volunteer and only a handful showed up to help - not sure if that is true or not. But truthfully it was no better organized than some of the races I have seen in Clermont. I would have been pretty mad if I would have paid to race in that event - starting a half hour late (for reasons other than weather) is absolutely unacceptable.

Oh well - another day another disorganized race. After reading this you are probably thinking - Bill, why didn't you get in there and help? The reason is simple, I was out there on a training ride and to support my athletes not to volunteer - might sound cold but that is the way it is.


Trigirlorlando said...

Isn't it a shame when someone trains hard, puts in alot of effort only to be let down by a race director with no organization. Im sorry for your athletes but Im glad you were there to cheer them on!

ShirleyPerly said...

I did this race spur of the moment and was glad I had looked at the course maps and knew the area well (live only 3 miles away from UCF). Saw a couple people miss the turn into UCF Research Park on the bike course. The worst part about the delay was that it got hot out on the run. Hope they didn't also run out of water for slower folks. Still, it was the first sprint I've done in 3 yrs ... obviously need some work on my transitions and swim. Does your team do any swim group training in the UCF area?