I have to admit I stole these from someone on FB but I thought some of them were great. It was originally title "You know you are a triathlete when.."
1.You have a water bottle when you drive your car
2.In the summer your legs are smoother than your girlfriend's.
3.In the winter your legs are still smoother than your girlfriend’s
4.You take more showers in a locker room than at home
5.6:30 am is sleeping in
6.You clean your bike more often than your car
7.When asked to mow the lawn in 90 degree heat, you say that its too hot to do that (and you mean it) and then an hour later you go on a century ride because its so nice out.
8.you wave at other cyclists, because all triathletes are friendly and if they are not, they are probably purist cyclists trying to get into triathlons and they do not know that triathletes are friendly
9.your 8 year old comes home with the school record for the mile and says, he took it out in a nice pace he could hold.....everyone else died.
10.You've given up trying to go on training runs/rides with your boyfriends because they don't take it too well when you kick their butt.
I find 9 to be hilarious and I find 8 to be oh so true!!!
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend whatever you may be doing.
1 comment:
I think that photo of the sea lion and #7 are really funny! (which means the yard has to get done mid-week)
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