Friday, May 9, 2008

Florida Music Festival

The FMF kicks off next week and I am kind of bummed to be heading to Key West to run 50 miles instead of being able to see some cool bands. However, after scanning the line up I do not know many bands playing (I am getting old or what)but here were a few things that stood out for me:

5/16 - Back Booth - Rev Peytons Big Damn Band - this is a can't miss - this is worth the price of admission alone - say hi the the Rev for me and make sure you get Washboard Breezys autograph - she is going to be huge - Big Damn Nation is a good CD

5/17 -City Arts - it is a Skid Row movie - not sure if this is Sebastian Bach (who's new song is really bad) or after SB - how can you go wrong with Skid Row though - and the guy from the Fugees will be there for a Q&A - no clue what I would ask him but might be fun.

5/17 - City Art - Dirty Shannon - never heard these guys but someone I know is in the band - I have heard mixed reviews but give it a listen - do not yell at me if you hate it - it is only a suggestion

5/16 - The Social - Plane Jane Automobile - fun set at the Social - can not go wrong with a band at the Social

5/16 - AKA - The RunnAmuckS - I hear this is hardcore punk - well worth it even if it is semi hard core punk!

Enjoy - let me know how it goes.

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